
오픽 답변

견우랑 2022. 10. 22. 18:18

오픽 답변


안녕하세요. 항상 여러분들에게 유익한 정보를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있는 직장인 블로거입니다. 인사고과 시즌이나 취업철이 되면 토익 시험이나 오픽 시험을 준비하시는 분들이 많습니다. 이번 시간에는 오픽 시험을 준비하시는 분들에게 도움을 드리기 위해 오픽 답변을 준비하였습니다. 


오픽 답변

I had an interesting experience when I was at (장소) one day, I was walking there and I saw a beautiful woman walking her dog. I fell in love at first sight. When I approached her, I realized she was someone I knew. She was my first love. OMG! To cut the long story short, she dumped me 5 years ago. I didn’t want to see her. So I walked the other way. I thought to myself. She is still beautiful. Oh Yes eva I know it is sad story. But I’m fine, don’t worry about me.



Hello Eva. How are you? I'm pretty good. OK now, let me introduce myself. [이름, 나이] My name is 000. You can just call me Andrew. I'm 27 years old in korean age and 26 years old in Western age. Actually, I like my western age better because I feel younger. [결혼 여부, 가족] I'm not married and living alone. There are 5 people in my family; father, mother, younger brother, younger sister and me. I'm the oldest. My younger sister is a elementary school teacher. [회사] I work as teacher elementschool. I spend most of time at work responding with student and helping them solve a problem. It’s hard work because it is necessary to know-how. [취미, 여가활동] In my free time, I like to listen to music so I can get rid of stress. It makes me feel fun and pleasant. My favorite genre is pop, and my favorite musician is Michael Jackson. I'm a big fan of his songs. [좌우명] Finally, I want to tell you my motto. My motto is "Everything is up to mind" [마무리] Okay, that's all about me. Nice to meet you, thank you Eva.


장소 묘사

I am living in an apartment with my family in small city. We have been living in there for 10 years now. It is not very big, but cozy and comfortable. My neighborhood has a good natural environment. There is a park near my home. It takes only 5 minutes by walk. Thanks to the park, the air is fresh and atmosphere is calm. I like to take a break in the balcony in my room. Through the window I can see big trees and playground. It makes me feel relaxed.


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오픽 답변


동네 사람

I am living in an apartment with my family. There are an old couple and their daughter in my next door. My parents (The old couple) are both (직업 ). And my brother who is 2 years older than me(Their daughter) is a graduate student. He(she) wants to be (직업 ). She and I are in the same age, we even went to the same school. I am working in the elementary school as a homeroom teacher. I teach the 2nd grade students. My family(old couple) and I are close to each other since we have many things in common. For instance we all love to do light exercises. So we often talk about exercising and our daily lives.


오픽 답변오픽 답변



I am currently working in the elementary school as a teacher. I teach the 2nd grade students. My school has a good natural environment. There is a park near my school. It takes only 5 minutes by walk. Thanks to the park, the air is fresh and atmosphere is calm. My classroom is not very big, but cozy and comfortable. It is located on the 3rd floor. Therefore, through the window I can see big trees and playground. These days, however, because of the construction it is sometimes noisy. From my home I usually take a bus. It takes about 15 minutes to get there by bus. The bus stop is near my home and school. But there are not many buses in the morning time.


사람 묘사

I am currently working in the elementary school as a homeroom teacher. I teach the 2nd grade students. And I am very close to ( ) since we have many things in common. For instance, we are both interested in light exercises. So we often talk about working out and our school lives. When I was a new teacher, I was in charge of making materials of school project. And she helped me a lot even though she was busy. I am still so thankful. She is short but has muscle. Her personality is very friendly especially to students. So I really like her.



I use my computer the most freuqently. Since I teach the 2nd grade students, I have to make a lot of teaching materials like power points because they have visual effects. So a computer is very useful for me. I can download some templates on the internet. They even have good designs. All I need to do is to modify contents. Thanks to it, I can save my time and energy a lot. When I was a freshman I got my first computer. At that time it was the latest model so it was very expensive. The main differences between computers in the past and now are computers these days have wider screens and more facilities. However, there are some disadvantages of using computer. It is copyright problems. By using computer, it is much easier to copy and paste someone’s work.


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I am currently working in the elementary school as a teacher. I teach the 2nd grade students. I often visit another schools to observe classes for a business trip. I can learn many things from the other teacher’s class such as teaching skills and materials. And sometimes I can meet my friend by chance who is also a teacher.



The last time I went on a trip was last month. I went to Malaysia with my friend. I spent a lot of time in the swimming pool. My friend swam and I liked to play in the water. And we also read books on the sun beds. And I took tons of pictures. I really liked the hotel that I stayed. It was located in small city so It had a good natural environment. The air was fresh and atmosphere was calm. I took a break in the balcony. Through the window I could see big trees and towers. I really enjoyed the time with my friends and I really want to go there again. It was just like a heaven.


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I like to spend my vacation at my home. My room is not very big, but cozy and comfortable. I love to watch movies or write some posts on my blog lying on the bed. While doing these, I can forget about my stress and feel relaxed. The memorable vacation was last month. I wrote 5 posts on my blog about restaurants and traveling. And it took about more than 7 hours. It is quite long, isn’t’ it? Since I hadn’t done it for a long time because of my busy schedule, I was really happy.



I go shopping once a week with my family. Before left, we talk about what we are going to buy and I check coupons/reviews on the internet. Since the price/quality is the most important thing for me. And then we go to the department store. It has various products so we can have many choices. we can do comparison shopping.


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건물 옛날 전후

I eat out once a week with my family. Before we left, we talk about what we are going to eat and I check coupons/reviews on the internet. Since the price/taste is the most important thing for me. We often go to the big restaurant. It has various dishes so we can have many choices. We like to talk about our daily lives while having meals. When I was young we often ate out in seafood restaurants. And I also dined out in the seafood restaurant yesterday. Menus are similar but there are many differences. The main differences between restaurants in the past and now are the restaurants these days have wider spaces and more facilities.



The last time I watched a movie is last week. I watched a movie, 레미제라블 on TV. It is based on novel and musical. Since I haven’t done it for a long time, I was very happy. I was so overwhelmed by the songs sung by actors and actress in the movie. I like 장발장 the most among characters, because he is honest and gentle. Compared to the movies in the past, movies these days are more realistic and detailed thanks to the advanced technologies.


오픽 답변오픽 답변


(선호 이유) 편의시설이 많아서

I am a big fan of movies. I go to the cinema near my home very often. It only takes about 10 minutes by car. It has wide screens and many facilities. (취향 변화) When I was young, I just like to watch comedy movies because I watch movies just for fun. These days, however, I want to learn something from movie so I like to watch all kinds of movies except horror movies because they are too scary. Especially I like to watch science fiction movies because I am not good at it and want to learn in fun way.


재미있게 본 영화

The last time I watched a move in the theater is 2 weeks ago. I watched 쿵푸팬더3 with my mother. Because I am not a big fan of animation and I was very tired, the movie was not interesting for me. I think it is not a good idea to watch movies in the early morning. However pandas were so cute, especially when they were kids. And I liked sound tracks. You should listen to them.



I firstly check reviews on the internet. So I can find which movie is great. Since the quality of movie is the most important for me. Second, I search coupons on apps. These days there are a number of coupons so I can get some discounts. Lastly, I select seats and book a movie on the app.


약속 정하기

[약속의 목적] I make an appointments for many purpose.

[자주 만나는 사람과의 약속] Especially, I often make an appointment with my friends to have dinner or hang out. When we meet we often watch a movie or see a play. Sometime, we go for a drink to talk about each other's daily life.

[가끔 만나는 사람과의 약속] Sometimes, I make an appointment with my co-workers. We usually go to a baseball stadium to cheer for our favorite team together.

[특별한 날 가족과의 약속] For a special occasion, I make an appointment with my family. We usually have a nice dinner and talk about each other's daily life.


[서론] I can think of few steps for an appointment.

[첫 번째 단계] First, I check the place and the time for the meeting.

[두 번째 단계] Next, I check on how to get to the destination.

[마지막 단계] Last, I call the person to make sure of the appointment.

[마무리] That's all.


- 애매하게 끝날 때는 That's all.로 끝낸다.

- 고급 단어, 어휘 사용할 필요 없이 자주 쓰는 표현들

ex) 시작에 앞서서 Let me see / Let me think / I think / In my opinion / In my case 돌발문제나 생소한 문제에서는 I didn't expect this question but I'll do my best.

Oh my god, it's an unexpected question.

I'm so surprised, It's difficult for me but I'll do my best.


앞서 말했던 것과 겹친 문제가 나왔을 때는 Before I told you / I told you before

마무리 이해시킬 때 : You know what I'm saying? / You know what I mean? Can you understand?


정말 어렵거나 감을 못 잡은 문제 : I'm so sorry, I didn't catch that. I can't understand well (어떤 분은 sorry 하지 말라고..) 항상 말에 감정을 담아서 생동감 있게 말해야 합니다.


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오픽 답변


지금까지 오픽 시험에 자주 등장하는 질문들에 대한 오픽 답변을 정리하였습니다. 질문의 의도와 답변의 흐름을 이해하면서 시스템을 습득하신다면 좋은 성적을 얻을 수 있다고 생각합니다. 그럼 다음 시간에도 더 좋은 정보로 찾아오겠습니다. 


Lee Kyoung Yong (lky3580@naver.com)
